Are Your Relationship Conversations More Frustrating Than Productive?

Are Your Relationship Conversations More Frustrating Than Productive?

Take the 4-Question Challenge

Learn to stay in control and focused during hard conversations. 

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Take the 
4-Question Challenge

Learn to stay in control and focused during hard conversations. 

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Good communication starts way before the actual conversation. It starts with CLARITY

Misunderstandings happen when we communicate with someone before we're clear about how we feel. When those misunderstandings escalate into arguments with lots of hurt feelings, nobody remembers what the original problem was. It gets lost behind emotional reactions and in the end, nothing gets resolved. 

So how do you get clarity?

The fastest way is to ask yourself the right questionsThat’s what this challenge is all about. You’ll learn four powerful questions for getting the clarity you need to face any difficult conversation.

Do you...

  • Often replay conversations and think about the things you wish you’d said
  • Talk about the same things over and over and never make any progress
  • Focus on the other person’s needs and too often ignore your own
  • ​Feel like you never get to the heart of the issue because you can’t get past the triggers
  • ​Have things you want to say but worry about the reaction
  • ​Feel bad about saying things you can't take back
  • Know you’re not happy but aren’t sure what to do about it
If any of that sounds familiar, you’re not alone. We're in such a hurry to solve our problems that we don’t always think about the best way to do it. That’s where clarity comes in.  
Good communication starts way before the actual conversation. It starts with CLARITY

Misunderstandings happen when we communicate with someone before we're clear about how we feel. When those misunderstandings escalate into arguments with lots of hurt feelings, nobody remembers what the original problem was. It gets lost behind emotional reactions and in the end, nothing gets resolved. 

So how do you get clarity?

The fastest way is to ask yourself the right questionsThat’s what this challenge is all about. You’ll learn four powerful questions for getting the clarity you need to face any difficult conversation.

Do you...

  • Often replay conversations and think about the things you wish you’d said
  • Talk about the same things over and over and never make any progress
  • Focus on the other person’s needs and too often ignore your own
  • ​Feel like you never get to the heart of the issue because you can’t get past the triggers
  • ​Have things you want to say but worry about the reaction
  • ​Feel bad about saying things you can't take back
  • Know you’re not happy but aren’t sure what to do about it
If any of that sounds familiar, you’re not alone. We're in such a hurry to solve our problems that we don’t always think about the best way to do it. That’s where clarity comes in.  

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The challenge is simple. All you need is your phone.
NO workbook to download. 
NO lengthy trainings. 
Do it on your own. 
Do it with your partner, a friend, or a family member. 
Do it because it's a game-changer.
I’m Stacy Rocklein and I’m a relationship coach.
Picture of Stacy sitting at a small table, smiling at the camera.
I’ve helped hundreds of women communicate more clearly to find increased harmony, less conflict, and deeper connections with those they love. Want to know how I do it? By asking questions. I believe everyone has their own answers. 
I believe you have the answers. 
It’s okay if you’re the only one doing this. Grow yourself first and then lead in your relationships. People who love you will follow.
The challenge is simple. All you need is your phone.
NO workbook to download. 
NO lengthy trainings. 
Do it on your own. 
Do it with your partner, a friend, or a family member. 
Do it because it's a game-changer.
Picture of Stacy sitting at a small table, smiling at the camera.
I’m Stacy Rocklein and I’m a relationship coach.
I’ve helped hundreds of women communicate more clearly to find increased harmony, less conflict, and deeper connections with those they love. Want to know how I do it? By asking questions. I believe everyone has their own answers. 
I believe you have the answers. 
It’s okay if you’re the only one doing this. Grow yourself first and then lead in your relationships. People who love you will follow.

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This challenge is for people who want to…

  • Improve communication but don't have time to read another book or take a lengthy course
  • ​Have more conversations and fewer arguments and fights
  • Stay calm and in control during a disagreement
  • Stand up for themselves and ask for what they need and want
  • ​Find long-lasting solutions to recurring problems 
  • ​Open up about important things but don't know where to start
  • Communicate authentically

This challenge is NOT for people who…

  • Won’t do the work if their partner refuses to do it with them
  • ​Think their communication doesn’t need improvement
  • ​Are afraid to ask themselves honest questions
  • ​Prefer to blame the world and others for what’s wrong in their lives

This challenge is for people who want to…

  • Improve communication but don't have time to read another book or take a lengthy course
  • ​Have more conversations and fewer arguments and fights
  • Stay calm and in control during a disagreement
  • Stand up for themselves and ask for what they need and want
  • ​Find long-lasting solutions to recurring problems 
  • ​Open up about important things but don't know where to start
  • Communicate authentically

This challenge is NOT for people who…

  • Won’t do the work if their partner refuses to do it with them
  • ​Think their communication doesn’t need improvement
  • ​Are afraid to ask themselves honest questions
  • ​Prefer to blame the world and others for what’s wrong in their lives
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You’ll get daily emails with short videos explaining the importance of each question and how to use it. By the end of the challenge, you’ll have four essential questions for coaching yourself through any relationship challenge. 
You CAN learn to stay in control and focused. You CAN speak the truth with courage and clarity.
 Join the 4-Question Challenge and take an important step toward more connected relationships.
 Copyright 2020 Stacy Rocklein - All RIghts Resvered - Terms Of Service
Registration Closed
You’ll get daily emails with short videos explaining the importance of each question and how to use it. By the end of the challenge, you’ll have four essential questions for coaching yourself through any relationship challenge. 
You CAN learn to stay in control and focused. You CAN speak the truth with courage and clarity.
 Join the 4-Question Challenge and take an important step toward more connected relationships.
All RIghts Resvered - Copyright 2020 - Terms Of Service